Life @ IHD

Global community

Home to a vibrant multicultural community of 350 residents from over 40 different cultures and communities from around the world.

Academic support

Tap into the University’s study support options. CDU offers workshops, tutoring, academic support and the Academic Language and Learning Support Program (ALLSP). Gain easy access to study rooms, the campus library and unlimited high-speed WiFI internet.


Don’t just survive, we’re here to help you to thrive! IHD is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment, where difference is valued, and the wellbeing of all residents is our top priority.


You don’t have to look far for an adventure. Our social calendar is brimming with events to help you create friendships with people all over the world!


Your safety is important. IHD is fully fenced community with CCTV security, nightly patrols, and staff on site 24/7 so you can feel at ease knowing we’ll be here to help.


Uni and that beach are right on your doorstep. For almost everything else we’re only a hop, skip and a jump away. Borrow a bike from us or catch the bus if you need to explore further.

What our residents are saying